Grace from Fictionally has awarded me the Sunshine Award!
The rules of the award are:
1.Thank the person who nominated you
2.Answer the questions from the person who nominated you
3.Nominate a few other bloggers
4.Notify the bloggers you have nominated
5.put the award on your blog.
Grace's questions:
1. the tv show/movie is now your life. What is it?
19 Kids and Counting. I 'm not sure how well I would do with 18 other siblings:)
2. You're invited to a ball where you have a chance of meeting prince charming, but a fairy shows up and says she"ll grant your biggest (non-romantic) wish if you don't go to the ball. Do you take up her offer, or go to the ball?
I would have to take up her offer. I would wish to have all of my college tuition payed for when I start college in the future.
3.You're given a ride in a time machine to the future and are able to bring back one that you are now waiting to realse. What book will you choose?
Golden Daughter by Anne Elisabeth Stengl. I haven't read Shadowhand yet, so I would have to wait to read Golden Daughter, which I guess defeats the purpose.
4. Your perusing your bookshelf when, suddenly the back falls out, and you see a secret tunnel of stone that leads to a place you can't see, but you hear a battle in the distance. Do you check it out or repair the bookshelf?
I would explore the secret tunnel, for a little while. I would probably end up turning around after seeing where the noise is coming from, though.
5. and 6. You have to spend the day entertaing one of your least favorite characters. Who is it and what do you do to amuse them?
I would entertain Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice by showing him around my yard and encouraging him to read theology books my family owns.
7. What would you rather be able to do: fly, breath under water, or blow fire out of your mouth?
Breath under water; it would make swimming a thousand times more fun.
8.There's a villain , and the only way to knock away the vile stuff he's about to use on you to turn you into a toad is... a book on your bookshelf. Which books is it?
The Frightened Whisper by Helen Girvan. It's old, fairly heavy, and probably wouldn't suffer that much damage from being thrown.
9. What is you ideal animal companion? Dog, Cat, chameleon, etc..?
A Cat! I have had a cat as a pet most of my life.
10. A grand dinner is held where you and all your favorite characters are invited. Which two characters do you choose to sit between?
Clara Oswald from Doctor Who and Lucy Pevensie from The Chronicles of Narnia. I think I would be able to have really good conversations with them.
My questions:
1.Is there anything I can pray for you about?( you don't have to give me a lot of info if it's private)
2.Do you like to have a slow or busy summer?
3. What book character has a personality opposite of yours?
4. Do you think writing letters is a lost art?
5.If you could have an exotic pet, what would it be?
6.It there a historical person you enjoy studying about?
7. Do you prefer reading inside or outside?
8. and 9.Do you like DIYs? If so what was the last DIY you did?
10.Do you prefer garden or wild flowers?
Anyone who would like to post this tag or answer it in the comment section is welcome to.
Fun answers! That's funny how your life would be 19 Kids and Counting. Mine would be Robin Hood, lol.
ReplyDeleteFun questions and answers, Grace and Ella. :)
ReplyDeleteGrace M- Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIt would be cool to have Robin Hood's type of life; there would never be a dull day:)
Rissi- Thank you! I hope you have a great day!
Hey, Great Post! :)
ReplyDeleteI'll answer your questions now :)
1.Is there anything I can pray for you about?( you don't have to give me a lot of info if it's private)
My Music Teacher, Her husband died this time last year..
2.Do you like to have a slow or busy summer?
Both.. Slow when I need to organise my books and materials fast when it drags by. :D
3. What book character has a personality opposite of yours?
Lydia Bennet
4. Do you think writing letters is a lost art?
Yes! I LOVE writing letters so so much! :D
5.If you could have an exotic pet, what would it be?
6.It there a historical person you enjoy studying about?
Ummmmm the British Royal Family!
7. Do you prefer reading inside or outside?
under a big tree preferably or on the branches of the tree.
8. and 9.Do you like DIYs? If so what was the last DIY you did?
No sorry, well unless Ikea counts! :P
10.Do you prefer garden or wild flowers?
That was fun! :D
Thank you for answering the questions Evie!!!
ReplyDeleteYour asnwers were fun to read:)
I will be praying for your music teacher; I know people who have lost their spouse, so I know that that is hard.