Monday, February 24, 2014

Little Letters : First Edition

I used to do these on my other blog, and after reading some on other blogs I decided it was high time I posted my own on this blog.

Dear used book sales,
 Thank you for books that only cost me 50 cents a piece. What can I say, I love deals:)

Dear Anne Elisabeth Stengl,
 Thank you for publishing unique books often. I can't wait to read Golden Daugter when it's realeased.

Dear Anne of Green Gables movies,
 I forgot how much I enjoy watching you. You never get old.

Dear Pianoguys,
 Your cover of Let it go/ Vivaldi's winter was just WOW!!!

Dear Ashley of Bramblewood Fashion,
 Thank you for posting a tutorial on how to clean out candle jars.
I now have pretty jars holding random things on my desk and it has made me very happy.

Dear Readers,
 Thank you for reading my book reviews even though I still can't publish book covers.


  1. Hey Ella!! I'm tryi to figure out why I'm not already following your blog..? Oh well after I comment ill see I can follow you. :) (my iPod doesn't always cooperate with these sorta things!)

    I love used books! Pretty much all the books on my shelf are used! Though I've been getting some really nice ones for Christmas and stuff recently. :)

    And the Piano Guys let it go! Oh my I does when I first heard it! I now own and it it's just.. AHHHHH. :)

  2. Thank you for commenting Evelyn!!!

    Technology doesn't always work well. I hope you have worked out the problems.

    Used books are great!!!! I rarely buy books because my local library has a lot of books, but when I do I like to get a good deal.

    Pianoguys songs are amazing. I wish I could play the cello.

    I hope you have a great day!!!

  3. Yea I didn't work - l'll have to do it later on the computer. :)

    Ah I see. :) I books whenever I don't have them and they're in good condition. I guess that could be a problem someday :D

    Oh yea the cello is really cool!! I play the piano - and I love it!

    Thanks, you too!

  4. That's okay!!! I can't figure out how to follow your blog either, so I just go on it every few days and see if there is a new post.

    There is no such things as too many books:)

    I play the piano too!!! Isn't is so cool to play?
