Yet another month is ending. The holidays are fast approaching, along with the close of 2015.
Anyhow, here are a few things I've enjoyed in the month of October.
// Pieces by Amanda Cook //
I listened to Amanda Cook's music for the first time recently. Her songs are just lovely, especially 'Pieces'.
// Kpop//
I started listening to a few select kpop songs a few months ago. This month I've been branching out and listening to bands and singers that are new to me. A few of my favorite artists are CNBlue , Got7 , IU, and EXO.
// Movies and Tv Shows//
// The Avengers : Age of Ultron//

There is something about Marvel movies that keep us fans coming back again and again. This movie was no exception.
In my opinion this sequel was even better than the original. I'm eager to see what movies Marvel comes out with next.
// Faith : The Great Doctor //
I started this K-Drama a couple of months ago, but due to my busy semester , I just finished it this month. It's a historical drama , with elements of fantasy, which makes it's unique. Definitely a must watch for K-Drama fans.
// Miscellaneous//
// Sesame seed sticks //
This snack, which is found at health food stores, is so delicious. It tastes like something in between chips and French fries.
FIY, they taste really good with swiss cheese spread.
What about you?
What are some things you've liked this month?
Title : The One
Series : The Selection series
Number in series : 3
Author : Kiera Cass
Genre : Young Adult Fiction
America and only three other girls are left the selection.
The country is in chaos due to the rebel force, putting everyone in danger. America must make a choice to for her future. Will she make the right one?
My thoughts:
If you read my review of 'The Elite' , you knew I had expectations for this book. I wanted America to be more decisive. She was, to a point, in this book. She (finally) made some important choices, although I personally think someone of them were unwise.
Like the other two books in the series, the story kept my attention.
A few thinsg I didn't see coming happened , including a few sad things.
Overall I didn't love this book, but I didn't hate it either. I'm not sure if I will read 'The Heir' , since The One wrapped up the story pretty nicely.
Two characters makeout passionately while only dressed in underclothes; they stop short of having sex, due to circumstances. They later fall asleep together. In the morning they are discovered in bed together and people assume they were having sex.
My rating : 2.5
I was tagged by Grace from Fictionally to do The Sweater Weather Tag. Thanks for tagging me Grace!
In case you didn't know fall is my favorite season. So I'm excited to do this festive tag.
The questions:
1. Favorite Candle Scent?
The North Pole candle from Yankee Candle. Although it's a Christmas candle, I like it year round. It has a sweet peppermint scent that is fresh.
2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
It depends. I've been drinking coffee a lot recently, so I will go with it.
3. What's the best fall memory you have?
I don't have a specific one. I have several great memories from bonfires, trunk-or-treats, and hayrides throughout the years.
4. Best fragrance for Fall?
Spices, such as cinnamon or nutmeg.
5. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
Chicken n' dumplings. Their a family tradition.
6. Most worn sweater?
A green and white striped sweater I got for Christmas several years ago. It's so cozy!
7.Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
Jumping in leaf piles, although I don't remember the last time I did that.
8. Skinny jeans or leggings?
Skinny jeans. I love to wear them with tunics and cardigans.
9. Combat boots or Uggs?
Combat boots. I don't currently own any, but I do like how they look.
10. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
Yeah, I think so. It's one of my favorite season flavors.
11. Favorite fall tv show?
Newhart. It's an 80s show that is set at a Bed-and Breakfast in Vermont. Most of the episodes take place in the fall or winter, so I think it's a perfect choice.
12. What do you want to be for Halloween?
I haven't dressed up for Halloween for several years, and I won't again this year. However if money wasn't a concern, I would buy a historically accurate dress from the regency era and dress up as Jane Austen.
13. Hat or scarves?
14. What you number #1 favorite thing about fall?
The gorgeous weather that makes hiking and bonfires possible.
If you liked this tag and want to do it, consider yourself tagged by me.
Title: The Elite
Series: The Selection series
Number in series: 2
Author: Kiera Cass
Genre: Young Adult Fiction
Plot: America Singer is now a part of The Elite, the group of 6 girls left in The Selection. America struggles over whether she should return to her old life or if she is meant to start something knew. Just when America thinks she has it figured out something happens to change her mind again. Can She figure out who to trust amidst the chaos?
My thought:
I have a love / hate relationship with series. I can't decide if this series will become a new favorite of mine or something I don't like at all.
Kiera Cass is such a talented author. Her writing style is so engaging and fun to read. I find it really hard to put down her books. I've lost track of the times I've uttered ''Just one more chapter'' and then finally stop reading three chapters later.
Her characters seem so real and it feels like you actually know them. It makes you want to find out what will happen to them and the future of their country.
The thing that disappointed me was America and her relationships with Aspen and Prince Maxon in this book.
America would declare that she was loyal and cared deeply about Prince Maxon. Then the next moment America would seek out Aspen and tell him that they still had a chance ( and vice versa). This really annoyed me. It seemed like she was constantly leading both Prince Maxon and Aspen on without being really loyal to either of them. I hope in The One America will be more decisive on what she wants.
*content* Couples makeout and snuggle with each other ( They don't have sex). One character is beaten after being caught in an intimate situation with someone ( It isn't talked about in much detail). Intimacy in marriage is alluded. H**l and d**n are used a few times.
My rating: 3
Title: Daughter of Venice
Author: Donna Jo Napoli
Genre: Young Adult Historical Fiction
Donata, and her twin Laura, are Venetian nobility. In Venetian nobility only the oldest son and two oldest daughter marry. The other daughters are sent to a convent to become nuns.
Donata desperately hopes that both she and her twin will find love and marry, despite the odds.
When Donata learns that she will soon be sent to a convent she takes matters in her own hands. As she explores Venice, Donata realizes that her life is changing. She must make careful choices that will change her and her families way of life.
My thoughts:
This book has wonderful details about Italian, in particular Venetian, culture during the Middle Ages. The setting and time period of this book is close to that of The River of Time series. Because of that I thought this was really interesting.
I did have a little trouble connecting with some of the characters. At times the characters seemed flat and lifeless. However, I did like the main character, Donata. She was a strong and independent young woman who was curious about the way things work.
If you are looking for a detailed book about the culture and lives of Venetians, I think you would enjoy this.
*Content* Prostitution and pre-martial sex is talked about often throughout the book ( both are seen negatively). It's hinted at that a character is promiscuous. Characters manipulate and lie to get what they want. A character dresses up as a boy and has a few rough experiences because of it.
My rating: 2