Plot: Valeria Segrave is the step-daughter of the Earl of Maledon. When the Earl suddenly dies Valeria steps up to take care of her fragile mother and her six-year-old half brother, who is now the Earl of Maledon. Valeria, who is vivacious and independent, experiences her first season in the fashionable part of London. Valeria is given lots of advice on how to act and who to associate with, but doesn't know whom to place her trust in.
What I liked about this book: The author was fantastic at describing dresses, scenery, and characters. While the plot sounds cliche', Lynn Morris' writing made the stereotypes seem new and interesting.
The characters had depth and varying personalities that kept the plot moving.
What I didn't like about this book: There were many references to prostitutes, immoral relationships, and like, but they were shown in a very negative light.
Over the past few years many music artists and beauty gurus have become famous for their youtube videos. I recently found out that there is another branch of youtube becoming very popular- Booktube. Booktube is a community( in a sense) of people who make videos about, you guessed it, books. As someone who loves youtube and books I started watching Booktube regularly after I found out about it. There is something about watching and hearing someone explain a book that makes me understand a book better than a blog post usually can. That being said Booktube isn't perfect. It took me a while find booktubers that didn't cuss in all of their videos and who reviewed books I would actually consider reading.
I have found three Booktubers that I enjoy watching.
Ramblings and Green Tea
I like Madi's reviews of classics because their really thorough without containing spoilers. I don't recommend all of her videos thought, since she does cuss every once in a while.
I just recently discovered this youtube channel. Lizzie has a fun personality that makes her videos enjoyable to watch.
Books for Mks
I really love Kailey's channel. Kailey runs a charity called Books for Mks that donates books to American missionary kids all over the world. She does a lot of reviews of childrens' books and classics.
What about you? Have you heard of booktube? If so, what are you thoughts on it? Do you have any favorite Booktubers?
About this book: This book has contains around two hundred devotions based on Jane Austen's book. On one page there is a section of from one of Jane Austen's book. On the page opposite of it is a page telling what can be learned from the other page and scripture pertaining to that topic.
What I liked about this book: This was a really well thought out devotional. I loved how the person who wrote each devotional brought out Biblical truths from Jane Austen's books without seeming over analyized or cliche'.
Each section was short, but very through. Since it takes only five mintues or less to read this is a great devotional to use if you only have a few minutes or to add to your current study of the Bible.
What I didn't like about this book: This isn't a real problem, but there are two or three sections in this book on how to be a Godly wife and mother. Since I am single and these sections don't apply to me (personally) I just skipped them.
Plot: Christophe Brecht, who was a Major in the German army, returns to his village feeling defeated. Christophe's parents are both dead and his sister is living in America, leaving Christophe all alone. When the parents of Annaliese Duray, young woman who has run a way from home, ask Christophe to find her, Christophe finally feels like he has a purpose again. Christophe finds Annaliese in Munich, where she is speaking out for socialist reforms. Can Christophe convince Annaliese to come home?
What I liked about this book: Unlike the other books in this series this book shows how the war affected those who were on Germany's side during World War I. I learned a lot about the politics of Germany after World War I, which I hadn't really know much about before reading this book. All of the characters in this book were varied and seemed real.
What I didn't like about this book: One of the characters in this book is a womanizer and makes suggestive remarks every once in a while.
Plot: Isabella 'Isa' Lassone is an independent young woman whom is determined to return to occupied Belgium in order to save her closest friends. When Isa arrives in Belgium she soon meets Edward Kirkland, who she has loved since a child. Edward is angry that Isa has returned and wants Isa to leave as soon as possible. Can Isa prove she is grown up enough to handle things in Brussels- not matter the cost?
What I liked about this book: The story follows many of the characters mentioned in the Look tothe East. It was neat to see what their lives were like and how they interacted with those of Charles and Julitte. There were many heartfelt moments that really made me stop and think about how easy my life is compared to those who suffered during World War I.
What I didn't like about this book: Edward was a bit to brooding and self absorbed to be a good hero for my tastes. He did start to grow on me as the book got further along, though.
Plot: Julitte Toussiant has lived a good life with her adopted family in the small village of Briecourt, France. As World War I starts Julitte's life begins to change in a way she never expected. She meets Charles Lassone, a wealthy Belgian, who hides in Briecourt's small church so he won't be sent to a German work camp. As Julitte and Charles become closer their lives become endangered. Only by trusting in God will they both find a way to live in occupied France.
What I liked about this book: I really like Maureen Lang's writing style and storyline. The characters were well portrayed and interesting. Julitte, was a strong heroine with lots of faith in God and genuine love for people. Many of the things that happened in the plot seem like they could have happened during World War I.
What I didn't like about this book: There were a few spiritual elements in this book that I felt weren't ( in my opinion) Biblical.
Plot: Stern and serious Berta has always been envious of her pretty and likeable sister Glenna. Berta's bitterness has left her feeling unloved and without joy. Years later the lives of Berta's sister and mother begin to change. Can Berta accept God's will or will she hold on to what she wants?
What I liked about this book: It showed how allowing just a little bit of resentment to take over can affect your life- and those around you- forever. Glenna and Berta were well thought out characters that made the story easy to relate to.
What I didn't like about this book: It could be a little dry at times.
Hello!!!! I hope ya"ll are having a fantastic Labor Day.
I am in a reading rut right now; which means I don't know what to read. There are a few books that I think I might want to read, but I haven't heard much about them. If you have read any of these books I would like to hear your opinion on them. Thanks!!!!!